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Parfitt Cresswell Employment Law Bulletin 5

Parfitt Cresswell • July 3, 2020
This article is brought to you by our sponsors Parfitt Cresswell.

Much of the news at present centres around the economic impact of the coronavirus pandemic, with many employers considering redundancies as a result. During this period it is likely that there will be a surge in settlement agreements being offered by employers to their employees, but what exactly are they?

What is a Settlement Agreement?

A settlement agreement is a legally binding document that enables an employer and an employee to legally agree to terminate the employment relationship, and to help clarify the arrangements for doing so. In most cases this involves the employer making a settlement payment to the employee in exchange for them waiving all of their employment rights.  

Entering into a settlement agreement will have the effect of settling any potential claims that have arisen, either during the employment relationship or from the handling of the termination process itself. Once both parties have signed a settlement agreement, and complied with all the legal formalities, it makes it extremely difficult for an employee to pursue the employer in either an employment tribunal or court.

Why do employers want their employees to enter into Settlement Agreements?

Settlement agreements can be used for many purposes, from settling a dispute that has arisen between the parties through to a relatively straight forward redundancy situation. This can help the employer achieve certainty by preventing the employee from taking them to an employment tribunal at a later date. Settlement agreements can also represent a quick and convenient method of terminating employment that can bypass the need to follow set procedures (redundancy, disciplinary, capability or grievance).  

In redundancy situations, many employers will offer their employees enhanced settlement terms that are over and above the statutory minimum that they are legally bound to pay. In these situations, many employers will only offer these enhanced payments on the condition that the employee enters into a settlement agreement.

Whether to enter into a settlement agreement should always be a free choice for the employee, but the reality is that an employee may be risking any enhanced payment that is on offer should they choose not to accept. Whether such an offer is acceptable to the employee will often come down to the relative bargaining positions of the parties and any potential legal claims that they may have.

If there are potential claims that an employee could bring against their employer, the terms of the settlement will have to be sufficient to convince the employee to agree to a waiver of their employment rights.  

A good employment solicitor will be able to understand any potential claims the employee has and advise their client (be it the employer or employee) on what represents a good offer.

The legal formalities

In order for a settlement agreement to become a legally binding document, there are a few formalities that must be complied with, otherwise the agreement will be open to challenge at a later date.

The most important of these is that the employee must have received independent legal advice on the terms and effect of the agreement. Payment for this advice is usually catered for within the agreement itself and in the vast majority of cases the employer will agree to contribute towards the employees legal fees for seeking this advice. This contribution is typically around £500 plus VAT, but it may be possible to agree more if appropriate (such as for senior employees with more complex termination arrangements).

It should be noted that although conventional practice is for employers to pay a contribution (as it is usually they who wish the employee to enter into the agreement), payment of legal fees is not a requirement for a valid settlement agreement. In circumstances where an employee has proposed a settlement agreement themselves (which is permitted), the employer may be less inclined to contribute to the employee’s legal advice.

What is usually covered in a settlement agreement?

The main points usually included in a settlement agreement are included below with a brief explanation of each. A good employment solicitor will understand the pitfalls and implications of each of these clauses and will advise their client (employer or employee) of the most appropriate wording.

• An agreed termination date 
This will be the date the employment contract and employment relationship will officially end (once the agreement has been signed by all parties and the adviser)

• Payments up until the termination date and any contractual benefits 
The employee should be paid up until the termination date along with all their usual benefits. If there are any other contractual payments such as bonus payments that are being made, these should also be included in the agreement.

• Notice pay and accrued but untaken holiday pay
The notice period will need to be adequately covered in the agreement, stating that the employee has either worked their notice (and therefore paid for it) or has been ‘paid in lieu’ for this (or part worked and part paid in lieu). Upon termination of employment an employee should also be paid for any accrued but untaken annual leave, as per the terms of their contract of employment. These payments should be subject to usual PAYE deductions.

• A Termination/Settlement payment (also commonly referred to as ex-gratia or compensation payments)
Any tax free element (usually these payments are payable free of tax up to the first £30,000) is usually catered for in a separate part of the agreement. This should detail the amount being paid and whether it is inclusive of any statutory redundancy payment to which the employee is entitled. These payments will vary from employer to employer but are usually higher than any statutory payments (although not always) in order to incentivise the employee to sign.     

• Expectations regarding use of confidential information
All employees will come into contact with confidential information at work. This could be highly confidential information such as trade secrets or less confidential information such as client details, business plans and company finances. Obligations on the employee will usually exist in the employment contract, but will also be re-stated in the settlement agreement. These obligations will still apply even after the employment contract has ended.

• Post termination restrictions/restrictive covenants
As with confidential information above, an employee’s contract of employment may include clauses that are intended to protect the business following termination of employment. These contractual provisions will often be restated in the settlement agreement.  

Post termination restrictions will apply for a set period of time after the termination date (typically 3 months to 1 year in duration) and will prevent the employee from doing certain things during that period such as not competing with the employer and not poaching or dealing with clients, prospects or employees. This is a relatively complex area and often a point of contention where the employee wishes to seek new employment, but the employer wishes to maintain their client list. This is often a key point for negotiation in settlement agreements, especially for those in more senior positions.

• ‘Secrecy’ and ‘non bad-mouthing’ provisions
Depending on how the employment relationship has ended, these clauses will become more or less important. An employer will usually want this provision included to prevent the employee from referring to any dispute (if applicable), saying anything derogatory about the company and also to prevent the employee from discussing the amount of compensation being offered.  

In particular employers do not wish such payments to be discussed with other employees, as this may set a precedent in any future negotiations the employer has. Where the relationship has broken down, the employee may also be keen on ensuring the employer agrees to keeps matters confidential themselves and does not say anything that may harm the employee’s job search moving forwards.

• Legal costs and adviser’s certificate
The employer will usually include a contribution to legal fees to enable the employee to take the required legal advice. In most cases, advice can be given within the fees provided by the employer, unless further negotiations regarding the terms are required. The employee will be given the settlement agreement and will then be encouraged to find a solicitor who is independent of their employer and can advise them. It is important for the employee that they seek a solicitor with experience in dealing with employment law matters and settlement agreements. Once the employee has been advised, the solicitor will be required to sign the adviser’s certificate at the back of the agreement.

• Tax
It is usual for a settlement agreement to state that any issues regarding the tax calculations in the agreement will ultimately rest with the employee. This makes it vital that the employee takes the agreement to a suitably experienced solicitor who will understand the likely potential tax implications of the payments being made. There may be some structural changes or additions to the wording that will provide the employee with additional protection.

• References
As with the secrecy clause, details of the reference to be given by the old employer are often of particular importance to an employee. In some instances a neutral or good reference may be of more value than the settlement payment itself. Ideally the employee will wish to control the information that is given out by the old employer, ensuring that they do not discuss any disputes or grievances, or provide any negative information to prospective employers.

• Waiver and settlement of employment claims
This is the main benefit of the agreement for the employer, ensuring that a line is drawn under matters and that the employee is effectively waiving all and any claims they could bring before an employment tribunal or court. The adviser should be advising on the rights being waived, and the effect that this has on the employee’s ability to pursue a claim in an employment tribunal or court. The employee will also agree that they, and no-one on their behalf will issue proceedings against the employer.

• Implications if contract breached (including bringing claims after signing)
The employer will also wish to introduce consequences for the employee should they materially breach the agreement or decide to bring a claim against the employer after signing. This will usually include a clause requiring repayment of the settlement amount and the ability for the employer to pursue the employee for their legal fees incurred in defending any claim.

• Warranties from the employee
It is typical for the employer to want the employee to agree to a number of warranties as part of any settlement. These are essentially contractual promises that the employee is making and the agreement will be conditional upon these being true.  

These may include the employee confirming that they have not already secured alternative employment at the time of signing the agreement and confirmation that they have not committed any gross misconduct type offences that the employer is unaware of. The payments being made within the agreement will often be conditional upon these being true. 

• Practical matters such as return of company property
The employer will wish to ensure that any property such as keys, passes and computers are returned to them, along with copies of any confidential information or information held electronically. It may also be possible to the parties to agree to keep certain items and these should be recorded within the agreement where possible.

These are the usual terms included in a settlement agreement, but there are many other variations depending upon the circumstances. The above highlights the importance of seeking suitable legal advice when either putting together a settlement agreement (for an employer) or advising on the terms of an agreement (for an employee).  

Ultimately the final document will be an agreement between the parties, and before any agreement can be reached, further negotiations may be required. At Parfitt Cresswell we can help both employers and employees with all aspects of settlement agreements.

For employers this includes drafting an appropriate settlement agreement, advising on when and where they may be best used and negotiating the final terms with the employee’s representative.  

Employers who are carrying out larger scale redundancies will sometimes provide their employees, who may not know where to seek advice, with a list of suggested independent solicitors. In these cases, we would still be acting for the employee independently of the employer, but it may make sense for us to discuss certain matters with their employer directly prior to instruction.  

For example, we may be able to offer an employer a lower rate for reviewing their settlement agreements for many staff, on the basis that we will be advising many in relation to the same terms and background. It is also sometimes advisable for us to review the employer’s template settlement agreement before advising their employees to ensure that any amendments that we would usually request are only made once, saving all parties time. 

Where there are multiple redundancies, it may also be possible for us to visit the workplace (Covid19 restrictions permitting) to make this an easier process for both employees and the employer. Currently we are using technology such as zoom calls to enable quick and easy face to face advice and sign off of agreements, which is another easy alternative where face to face visits are not possible. 

For employees who have been presented with a settlement agreement by their employer, we are usually able to advise on these within the contribution being offered by the employer. We are able to advise wherever the employee is based without the need for them to leave their home or office, offering advice by either telephone or video call. We are able to manage the whole process remotely from sign up to sign off, working to short deadlines where necessary.   

If you or someone you know is experiencing legal issues or has a question regarding settlement agreements or employment law in general, be sure to take advantage of our complimentary initial consultation (via telephone or video call) now by contacting us today on 0800 999 4437 or emailing to arrange your complimentary appointment with a friendly member of our team of legal experts. Places fill up quickly so be sure to reserve your spot now. 

We look forward to helping you with your legal needs.

May 4, 2021
LinkedIn is a key channel for personal branding, so your LinkedIn profile is the launchpad to building a strong professional network. The channel is also the place to be if you wish to continue relationships of key people you meet at zoom networking events allowing you to easily stay in touch after making the effort to attend the meeting. As well as being the touchstone for nurture and lead generation a well optimised LinkedIn profile is on the same level as making a good first impression when you meet in person. How do you optimise your profile? 1. Make sure you have a current and professional head and shoulders photograph of yourself. You are on the platform to do business so ensure you appear to be there for that reason so a picture with your partner, favourite pet or vehicle doesn’t cut it. It should be a current photograph as it could be embarrassing putting a ten-year-old photo on the platform and when you meet a contact in person you look nothing like your photo so it could end up being a little like a bad first date. Be authentic. 2. Also use to create a background image as why miss the opportunity to promote your business. If you have staff on LinkedIn create an image for all of them to use as their background as it’s a little like giving them all a company vehicle with no costs attached. 3. Treat your LinkedIn profile as an online resume and ensure you complete every section – a. The about section – I split this into two sections i. My Background ii. What I Do Now iii. Include an email and phone number at the bottom of this section b. Experience – show at least the last two positions c . Education d. Licences and Certifications e. Skills and Endorsements – You can have 50 of these so put in as many as you can for example if you were a bar person you could include customer service. f. Recommendations – request these from people you know 4. Use keywords in your headline – think of the words you would use if you were looking for your goods or services. 5. Join groups which could be a. Within your industry b. Where your target market is c. Services you have an interest in If you require any help or advise we offer training or talk you through the process via zoom. Blog written by Linda Cloke of We Do Social Media Ltd Contact: or call 07769943756
By Connectionsb2b January 12, 2021
According to the Health & Safety Executive, over 11 million workdays are lost each year due to stress at work! The latest Employment Law Bulletin from our sponsors Parfitt Cresswell Solicitors focuses on the topic of stress in the workplace and the actions that employers can take to defend themselves against claims arising from this. In the Employment Law Bulletin expert Philip Luff covers: • What stress is • The duties of an employer • The potential action that an employee can bring against their employer for work related stress, and offers tips on how employers can best protect themselves against workplace stress claims To read the article and find out more about Stress Related Claims in the workplace click here . If you would like legal advice regarding an Employment Law matter take advantage of Parfitt Cresswell Solicitors’ complimentary initial video/telephone consultation with one of their legal experts. Call 0800 999 4437 or email today to arrange your free initial consultation.
By Parfitt Cresswell November 9, 2020
This article is brought to you by Parfitt Cresswell Solicitors Extension of the Furlough Scheme (CJRS) On Saturday 31st October the Prime Minister announced a further national lockdown in England to address the increasing rate of Covid-19 infections throughout the UK. This lockdown commenced on 5th November and will remain in place until at least 2nd December 2020. Under the previous tiered ‘local’ lockdown arrangements, the Government had announced two Job Support Schemes which were intended to succeed the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough scheme). These schemes were known as the ‘JSS Closed’, aimed at businesses that had been forced to close under the tiered restrictions and the ‘JSS Open’, a scheme for businesses who although affected by Covid-19, were still able to open. These schemes were due to replace the existing furlough scheme when it ended on 31 October 2020, with the Government support significantly reduced when compared with the original CJRS. However, along with the announcement of a national lockdown throughout November, it was also announced that the CJRS would be extended for a further month. A few days after this, the Chancellor announced that this extension of the furlough scheme would now run until the end of March 2021. As such, the JSS is not likely to resurface until at least April 2021 (if at all). How had furlough changed By way of a reminder, the CJRS has been through several changes since its introduction in March 2020, from the Government initially funding 80% of an employee’s salary up to £2,500, with government support reducing in recent months as restrictions eased. In October 2020, the month before the scheme was due to end, the government contributed 60% of unworked hours up to a cap of £2,187.50, with the employer paying the additional 20% along with employer national insurance and pension contributions. How will the extension work? In simple terms, the extension of the Furlough Scheme puts employers back to the same level of government contributions that were available in August 2020, with the Government funding 80% of eligible employees’ salary, but the employer having to contribute both employer national insurance/pension contributions themselves. The current understanding is that the furlough extension will operate largely as it did before, however the following now applies: • The extended scheme will run until 31 March 2021. • The employer or employee are not required to have previously used the CJRS • To be eligible, the employee must have been on the employer’s PAYE payroll by 23.59 on 30 October 2020 and the employer must have made a Real Time Information (RTI) submission for that employee by that date. • The employee can be furloughed either full-time or flexibly (for part of their hours). Employers will need to report and claim for a minimum period of seven consecutive calendar days. • The government will pay 80% of eligible wages for any unworked hours, (up to a cap of £2,500) with the employer paying employer NIC and pension contributions on these unworked hours. Employers will need to pay the employees for any hours worked as per usual. • The employer can choose to top up to 100% if they wish but is not obliged to. • The Job Retention bonus for employers (£1,000 for each employee kept on until the end of January 2021) will no longer be able to be claimed in February as planned, but will possibly be introduced at a later date to help avoid the impact of the furlough scheme ending. • The Government will review the scheme in the New Year, so it is still possible that increased employer contributions could be required prior to the end of March. As with all these announcements, further detail and guidance will follow from the government in due course. If you require further legal assistance regarding the CJRS or and other employment law issue, take advantage of our complimentary initial consultation (available via telephone or video call) today by calling 0800 999 4437 or email
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