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With Connectionsb2b Virtual Networking you’ll be able to connect with other businesses, build strong working relationships and promote your business from the comfort of your own home or office -all without the hassle of travelling or trying to find a parking space.
What to Expect
•Call hosted by Ashley Burgess-Payne and Glen Thompsett of Connectionsb2b.
•No sales pitches from us. We're here to give you the opportunity to connect and network.
•We'll start with attendee introductions (45 seconds each to introduce yourself, your business and say what you do)
•Opportunity to network both in large and smaller group settings. Connect and speak with other businesses using the Zoom Breakout Rooms (access 3 rooms per call, 4-5 people per room, 10 minutes per room)
•Keynote presentation + Q&A opportunity
Plus, an opportinty to win an interview on Connections Radio
Click the button below to book your place now!
Brewin Dolphin
'How the hell do you write a book?'
Keep Thinking Big
'5 Principles of Growth'
Andy Hall Coaching
Why write a book?
On how to write a book