Even before joining the mastermind process I always knew that I wanted to do something different, something more than just average. I wanted to achieve more for myself, something that was mine and not your regular 9-5. I felt like I had the potential (somewhere), the problem was I didn’t know how or where to begin; how to utilise myself and my time effectively in order to see the greatest returns. I was working hard, but not smart. All of this led to much frustration which eventually manifested itself in a state of despondency and a feeling of, ‘what’s the point!’. I was drifting – doing ‘okay’, but feeling unfulfilled and unenthusiastic about my work. But, taking the plunge and surrounding myself with like minded business owners things have improved drastically.
The mastermind process has been life transforming for me. It has given me the confidence to implement my own personal and professional development programme into the law firm Parfitt Cresswell, with plans on expanding this further in the coming months. But, most importantly, it has given me the initiative and freedom to go after and do what I love. On top of this I have also played an integral roll in the creation of this new venture, Connectionsb2b – which I am extremely excited and enthusiastic to share with you all.
I’d heard the term mastermind banded around on numerous occasions and it’s always intrigued me, but I was hesitant to pursue it initially. I mean, who was I to sit in a room of brilliant minds and exceptionally talented entrepreneurs – what did I have to offer? Like anything new and unknown, there was doubt. Something I spoke with Teresa Payne about in great depth before taking the leap. It was on one of these phone calls that I realised this was a golden opportunity and one I didn’t want to miss.
From the very start any doubt I had was instantly laid to rest and by the end of the first meeting it was apparent that I was in the right place. I had joined an invigorating and mentally stimulating environment with like-minded individuals that would assist me in developing myself and a plan for progressing my career and business acumen.
What I love about it, is the openness, honesty and integrity within such a group. This environment really gets your creative juices flowing and more importantly, your mind thinking at a much deeper level into yourself and your business. Surrounded by a community of other entrepreneurs thinking into whatever it is you choose to bring to the table, you are gifted with the opportunity to see things from almost every vantage point. On top of this, the opportunity to utilise decades and decades of business knowledge, experience and foresight means you are challenged with thought provoking questions and discussion. Plans are analysed, assessed, reviewed and reevaluated, stripped down and rebuilt, bigger and better than before, thus ensuring you have all bases covered going forward. You really do get the benefit of having a fellow entrepreneur and expert in a specific field look into your business and your situation in depth. It’s something that is priceless.
It amazed me how my peers were able to see things that I couldn’t. What appeared so obvious to them was clouded in my mind. But, through an objective eye and with a wealth of understanding I was able to work through and uncover what it was I wanted to achieve and develop a plan that was going to get me the results I wanted.
This is not to say that the process is all plain sailing. Like anything worth doing, it has its challenges and at times it will take you outside of your comfort zone. But, this is exactly where you need to be, this is what stimulates growth and improvement. It pushes you! Being able to touch base on a regular basis not only allows you to bounce ideas off of one another, it also keeps you focused, on track and motivated. You also build up a useful catalogue of ideas and information as everyone contributes and shares what it is they are doing, learning and finding beneficial.
You cannot help but benefit from being surrounded by an array of expertise from numerous fields of work. The breadth of knowledge is a definite bonus and a price cannot be put on how valuable and useful this is. Everyone in the group has their own unique areas of expertise and experience, and to be able to learn from others and identify the pitfalls they have experienced without having to go through it yourself, allows you to plan ahead more effectively and grow your business much faster. If ever I have a question, my peer group is my first port of call. I know that the advice and feedback I get will be honest, of significant value and with my best interests at heart. There is no hidden agenda whatsoever and that is a real asset and this is the real beauty of the process – you have your own unique inner circle of other like-minded individuals, go-getters, striving for more who you can contact at anytime.
Put simply, you are able to utilise the skills of other business owners for the benefit of you and your business on a regular and ongoing basis and in return you do the same!.
In closing, since beginning this journey I have greater clarity, increased focus, seemingly more time as I am prepared, have a plan and know what I should be doing and how I should be utilising my time to achieve a greater return. But, most importantly for me, the process has given me greater enjoyment and fulfilment. I am now loving what I do and am able structure my life so that things work for and around me.
This process will push you to become clear on your ambitions, clear on your potential and assist you in achieving the success and fulfilment you want, plus much more. It really is an empowering experience – one that will change you and your business for the better.
Welcome to Connectionsb2b – Enjoy the the growth.