Some time ago, I asked a prospective client who his ideal customer was. He said, “Anyone with a credit card.”
Most businesses create their product and push it out there at the world, giving scant thought to the people they hope will buy it. “Build it, and they will come”, they think.
But this is the real world. If all these people with a credit card find you, the chance they want what you’re offering are slim.
I have a credit card. I don’t have a dairy herd. So if you’re selling feed for dairy cows, are you hoping to attract me?
You don’t want every Tom, Dick and Harry turning up to ogle your wares. You only want those people who are most likely to buy from you. And, if you’re like me, you want to do business with people you like, whom you get on well with. Otherwise it’s more hassle than it’s worth.
When you’re marketing your business your sole aim should be to get a good return on your marketing investment. It should make you money, in other words.
But if you’re marketing to “anyone with a credit card”, that’s the fastest way I know to waste your cash. It’s all about putting your effort where it’ll make the most difference — which means targeting exactly the right people. Those who are most likely to be interested in what you’re selling.
Which brings me right back to my original question: who is your ideal customer?
The best thing is to actually ask your customers about themselves. You’ll find out some surprising things about what they really value about you and your business. But there’s something else you should be doing too. You need to burrow inside their brains to find out things they won’t tell you even if you ask.
Ask yourself these questions about your ideal customer: Who are they and what do they do? What keeps them awake at night? What are their frustrations? What do they fear? What do they need? What do they want? And most importantly: what pain is their biggest problem causing them?
Dig deep into your customers’ minds to find out what really motivates them. Because once you understand that, you’ll have no trouble marketing directly to them.
Most people don’t bother to do this. If you bother, you’ll be lightyears ahead of your competitors.
By Vicky Fraser
Author of Business for Superheroes