Change is death. For something to change, part of it must die — which is why, I think, so many of us humans are so very afraid of change.
It’s not just about the uncertainty of the unknown future, it’s that deep down we know change means a little death. Without death, life becomes meaningless. There’s no incentive to grow, to learn, to do as much as we possibly can with the time we’re given. And there’s no growth without change.
Change is deeply uncomfortable. It’s also incredibly rewarding.
Even if you fail, if you learn from the failure, it feels good!
And if you succeed, it feels completely amazing.
Choose to do something differently.
Choose to be brave.
Choose to be happy.
Then practice, because being a person who can embrace change and who can embrace doing the scary thing does take practice.
The reality of most people’s lives is they’re terrified. Terrified to make a mistake. Terrified to look stupid. Terrified to take the risk.
Well, hey, guess what? It’s okay to be terrified.
Just don’t let it stop you being as good as you can possibly be.
Don’t let it stop you from doing the stuff that scares you. That’s usually the stuff that’s truly important and meaningful and worthwhile doing.
Don’t let it stop you from daring greatly.
And don’t let anyone else stop you either. If someone who’s naysaying at you isn’t in the arena with you, getting bloodied and battered and sweaty and exhilarated, their opinion is not worthy of your attention.
Here’s a little tip for you, that I learned from reading Brené Brown’s excellent book, Daring Greatly. Grab yourself a little Post-it note. Just a small one.
Then write on it the names of all the people who truly matter to you. I have two: one for my personal life, and one for my business.
Choose those names carefully. For example, on my business Post-it note, I have the names of my two mentors, my business buddies, and a handful of my best clients.
If someone ever says something that upsets or unsettles me, I check that list. Are they on it? If they are, I know I need to take a look at who I am and what I’m doing, and maybe make a change.
If they’re not, I remind myself that — although they’re probably a good person and mean well — their opinion does not matter. It has no power over me and it will not ruin my day or change my plans.
This, like everything, takes practise.
Choose to do something different today. Something scary, that’ll help you grow your business. And remember, you don’t have to do it alone.
Written by Vicky Fraser