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Connectionsb2b Online Networking 

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May 4, 2021
LinkedIn is a key channel for personal branding, so your LinkedIn profile is the launchpad to building a strong professional network. The channel is also the place to be if you wish to continue relationships of key people you meet at zoom networking events allowing you to easily stay in touch after making the effort to attend the meeting. As well as being the touchstone for nurture and lead generation a well optimised LinkedIn profile is on the same level as making a good first impression when you meet in person. How do you optimise your profile? 1. Make sure you have a current and professional head and shoulders photograph of yourself. You are on the platform to do business so ensure you appear to be there for that reason so a picture with your partner, favourite pet or vehicle doesn’t cut it. It should be a current photograph as it could be embarrassing putting a ten-year-old photo on the platform and when you meet a contact in person you look nothing like your photo so it could end up being a little like a bad first date. Be authentic. 2. Also use to create a background image as why miss the opportunity to promote your business. If you have staff on LinkedIn create an image for all of them to use as their background as it’s a little like giving them all a company vehicle with no costs attached. 3. Treat your LinkedIn profile as an online resume and ensure you complete every section – a. The about section – I split this into two sections i. My Background ii. What I Do Now iii. Include an email and phone number at the bottom of this section b. Experience – show at least the last two positions c . Education d. Licences and Certifications e. Skills and Endorsements – You can have 50 of these so put in as many as you can for example if you were a bar person you could include customer service. f. Recommendations – request these from people you know 4. Use keywords in your headline – think of the words you would use if you were looking for your goods or services. 5. Join groups which could be a. Within your industry b. Where your target market is c. Services you have an interest in If you require any help or advise we offer training or talk you through the process via zoom. Blog written by Linda Cloke of We Do Social Media Ltd Contact: or call 07769943756
By Connectionsb2b January 12, 2021
According to the Health & Safety Executive, over 11 million workdays are lost each year due to stress at work! The latest Employment Law Bulletin from our sponsors Parfitt Cresswell Solicitors focuses on the topic of stress in the workplace and the actions that employers can take to defend themselves against claims arising from this. In the Employment Law Bulletin expert Philip Luff covers: • What stress is • The duties of an employer • The potential action that an employee can bring against their employer for work related stress, and offers tips on how employers can best protect themselves against workplace stress claims To read the article and find out more about Stress Related Claims in the workplace click here . If you would like legal advice regarding an Employment Law matter take advantage of Parfitt Cresswell Solicitors’ complimentary initial video/telephone consultation with one of their legal experts. Call 0800 999 4437 or email today to arrange your free initial consultation.
By Parfitt Cresswell November 9, 2020
This article is brought to you by Parfitt Cresswell Solicitors Extension of the Furlough Scheme (CJRS) On Saturday 31st October the Prime Minister announced a further national lockdown in England to address the increasing rate of Covid-19 infections throughout the UK. This lockdown commenced on 5th November and will remain in place until at least 2nd December 2020. Under the previous tiered ‘local’ lockdown arrangements, the Government had announced two Job Support Schemes which were intended to succeed the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (furlough scheme). These schemes were known as the ‘JSS Closed’, aimed at businesses that had been forced to close under the tiered restrictions and the ‘JSS Open’, a scheme for businesses who although affected by Covid-19, were still able to open. These schemes were due to replace the existing furlough scheme when it ended on 31 October 2020, with the Government support significantly reduced when compared with the original CJRS. However, along with the announcement of a national lockdown throughout November, it was also announced that the CJRS would be extended for a further month. A few days after this, the Chancellor announced that this extension of the furlough scheme would now run until the end of March 2021. As such, the JSS is not likely to resurface until at least April 2021 (if at all). How had furlough changed By way of a reminder, the CJRS has been through several changes since its introduction in March 2020, from the Government initially funding 80% of an employee’s salary up to £2,500, with government support reducing in recent months as restrictions eased. In October 2020, the month before the scheme was due to end, the government contributed 60% of unworked hours up to a cap of £2,187.50, with the employer paying the additional 20% along with employer national insurance and pension contributions. How will the extension work? In simple terms, the extension of the Furlough Scheme puts employers back to the same level of government contributions that were available in August 2020, with the Government funding 80% of eligible employees’ salary, but the employer having to contribute both employer national insurance/pension contributions themselves. The current understanding is that the furlough extension will operate largely as it did before, however the following now applies: • The extended scheme will run until 31 March 2021. • The employer or employee are not required to have previously used the CJRS • To be eligible, the employee must have been on the employer’s PAYE payroll by 23.59 on 30 October 2020 and the employer must have made a Real Time Information (RTI) submission for that employee by that date. • The employee can be furloughed either full-time or flexibly (for part of their hours). Employers will need to report and claim for a minimum period of seven consecutive calendar days. • The government will pay 80% of eligible wages for any unworked hours, (up to a cap of £2,500) with the employer paying employer NIC and pension contributions on these unworked hours. Employers will need to pay the employees for any hours worked as per usual. • The employer can choose to top up to 100% if they wish but is not obliged to. • The Job Retention bonus for employers (£1,000 for each employee kept on until the end of January 2021) will no longer be able to be claimed in February as planned, but will possibly be introduced at a later date to help avoid the impact of the furlough scheme ending. • The Government will review the scheme in the New Year, so it is still possible that increased employer contributions could be required prior to the end of March. As with all these announcements, further detail and guidance will follow from the government in due course. If you require further legal assistance regarding the CJRS or and other employment law issue, take advantage of our complimentary initial consultation (available via telephone or video call) today by calling 0800 999 4437 or email
By Parfitt Cresswell November 2, 2020
This article is brought to you by our sponsors Parfitt Cresswell Last month’s commercial property bulletin focused on retail and the potential shape of the High Street of the future, discussing the way in which the Covid-19 pandemic has necessitated a more flexible approach to real estate usage by landlords, tenants and local authorities. Since our last update, Haywards Heath, a town with a population of approximately 35,000, where Parfitts has two offices operating under its Colemans Solicitors brand, has seen a planning application approved for the demolition of a long-established office block to be replaced by a mixed commercial and residential development. It therefore seems like an appropriate time to take a look at another aspect of commercial property: office space. Last Thursday, 29 October 2020, marked the closure of the Government’s consultation on proposals for reform of the planning system in England, set out in its White Paper: “Planning for the Future”. The focus of “Planning for the Future” is principally residential development: the word “commercial” appears twice in the White Paper whereas there are over 100 instances of “community” or “communities”. Nevertheless, when it does comment on commercial property, the Government continues to emphasise the need for greater flexibility, despite advocating a move away from the current, relatively discretionary, planning regime towards a more rules-based approach. In relation to commercial real estate, “Planning for the Future” emphasises the need for a new planning system to: “help businesses to expand with readier access to the commercial space they need in the places they want and supporting a more physically flexible labour market”. The reference to a more flexible labour market is interesting in the context of the marked shift towards home working that the Covid-19 pandemic has caused. Things may not be changing as fast as some commentators suggest and there will continue to be a need for more traditional office accommodation, particularly while smaller professional businesses are either unwilling or unable to support employees in adopting more agile working practices. However, earlier this month the multi-national professional services company, Deloitte, announced that it was closing offices across four locations, including Gatwick and Southampton, with 500 employees being offered full-time remote working. Earlier in the pandemic, it was reported that up to three quarters of Britain's biggest employers are looking at a permanent shift to flexible working. Banks and the financial services sector look to have been quick to embrace this shift. Against this background, the recent planning decision in Haywards Heath that sees a dedicated office building (that had, in the past, been occupied by Lloyds Bank) being demolished and replaced by a mixture of housing and office space seems a sign of things to come. As well as highlighting the need for flexibility when it comes to commercial space to accommodate a more agile workforce, “Planning for the Future” specifically references the UK’s knowledge-based economy, stating that in the future Local Plans will need to identify: “… land needed to take advantage of local opportunities for economic growth, such as commercial space for spin-out companies near to university research and development facilities, or other high productivity businesses.” Research and Development is an area of particular importance to the South East: the region boasts 21 universities and 36 business incubators and accelerators. The UK Government is looking to the country’s digital and technological businesses to help drive post-Brexit economic growth so it will be intriguing to see whether the spaces created by white-collar workers logging on from home will be filled by more creative scientific or tech start-ups, where collaborative working is better facilitated by working together and being in close proximity to universities or other R&D facilities. Given that the “spin-out companies” cited in “Planning for the Future” will likely be start-ups with little or no trading history, will commercial landlords be willing to take their chances in letting space? What steps would a prudent landlord take to protect his or her position in these circumstances? How will commercial tenants make best use of available office space? How will both parties seek to maximise the benefits of the increased flexibility available to them? Businesspeople and their professional advisers will have to wrestle with these questions throughout 2021 and the years to come but, as we concluded in our last bulletin: creativity, agility and flexibility will surely be key to navigating the ‘new normal’. If you or a loved one is in need of legal advice, take advantage of our complimentary, no obligations consultation where you can meet with one of our Commercial Property Law experts and find out what the next best course of action is. Be proactive and call us today on 0800 999 4437 or email and one of our friendly team will be happy to assist you.
By Parfitt Cresswell October 6, 2020
This article is brought to you by our sponsors Parfitt Cresswell Job Support Scheme With the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (‘CJRS’) due to end on 31 October 2020, the Government has been facing increasing pressure to provide some alternatives or an extension to the scheme in order to support businesses/employees and avoid a wave of redundancies. The Chancellor announced the successor to the CJRS in the form of the Job Support Scheme (‘JSS’) which will be in place for 6 months from 1 November 2020. It is certainly not as generous as the CJRS, with the Government expecting employers to pick up a larger percentage of their employees’ wages, with a scheme intended to cover only ‘viable’ jobs. In doing this, the Government are accepting that not all those employees currently covered by the CJRS are going to be eligible for further support from November. Employers can use this scheme to avoid redundancies by keeping their employees on shorter hours and with the Government supporting employers to help pay their wages during this period. How does the JSS work? The JSS will require employees to work a minimum of 33% of their usual hours. Employers will be required to pay employees for the hours that they work as per usual. For hours that the employee does not work (the remaining 67% in the example above), the government, the employer and the employee will pay one third each. For example, for employees working 33% of their usual hours, the employer will overall contribute 55% of the employee’s usual salary (33% plus 1/3 of 67%) and the government will contribute a further 22%. This will leave an employee working 33% of their usual hours being paid 77% of their usual salary. This 77% represents a minimum amount that an employee should receive (when no cap applies – see below) and will increase as the hours worked increase. The contribution made by the Government will also be capped at £697.92 per month and it will not cover Class 1 employer contributions to National Insurance or Employer Pension Contributions. The scheme will run from 1 November 2020 for 6 months and will be open to all employers (non-sector specific) who have a UK bank account and UK PAYE Scheme. All SMEs (< 250 employees) will be eligible, with larger businesses only eligible if they can show that their business has been adversely affected by COVID-19 and that they will not be making capital distributions (dividends etc). Larger employers are likely to have to pass a ‘financial impact’ test with more details on this to be released in due course. The scheme does not require employees to have previously been furloughed under the CJRS, but to be eligible they will need to have been included on their employers Real Time Information (RTI) submission to HMRC on or before 23 September 2020. Importantly, the JSS states that employees cannot be made redundant during a period on which their employer is claiming a grant under the scheme. However, this does not appear to mean that employees cannot be made redundant at all or be put on notice during the six months that the scheme is running, but rather that employers will be unable to use the scheme to effectively fund part of the employees notice period. Practically speaking, employers will be required to move an employee out of the scheme if they wish to start a redundancy process prior to the scheme ending. Under the CJRS an employer was able to use the scheme to fund all or part of the redundancy notice payment, but this will not be possible under the JSS. Currently the threshold for the minimum hours to be worked by employees is 33%, but the government’s factsheet suggests that this may increase in months 4-6 (from February 2021 onwards). Further guidance is due to be issued on whether employers can use the scheme if they are unable to guarantee 33% of hours each week or whether this can be stretched to cover an average figure over the whole month. We do know that employees do not need to be working the same pattern each month and that employees can be ‘cycled’ on and off the scheme. This scheme has raised questions on whether specific sectors that have yet to get back on their feet will be able to benefit, as in some sectors it may not be possible to provide 33% of an employee’s hours each week. It may therefore be possible that the Government will look to introduce sector specific support as is necessary to stop larger scale redundancies in areas such as hospitality and travel where this scheme may be seen as falling short. If you have a question regarding the Job Support Scheme or require legal assistance with an employment law matter take advantage of our complimentary initial consultation with one of our legal experts by calling 0800 999 4437 or emailing today to reserve your place.
By Parfitt Cresswell September 24, 2020
This article is brought to you by our sponsors Parfitt Cresswell Whilst the residential property market in the southeast appears to be holding up against the ravages of the recession, there are signs that Covid-19 is starting to take its toll on the commercial real estate market despite the measures brought in by the UK Government to protect commercial tenants. Unsurprisingly, the sectors that have been hardest hit by the pandemic, such as hospitality and the arts, are having difficulties in maintaining premises. A number of household name restaurant chains have announced nationwide closure programmes and, in the arts, theatres and music venues are also struggling to remain afloat. In Haywards Heath, a town with a population of approximately 35,000, where Parfitts has two offices operating under its Colemans Solicitors brand, the only arts venue – Clair Hall – was closed last week by the local council. Although Clair Hall was publicly owned and had been loss-making for some time, its closure points to wider issues in the property market and the decisive “final nail” effect that Covid-19 is having across the country. It seems that the key to making use of these newly vacant spaces is increased flexibility. In other parts of the country, such as Greater Manchester, empty theatres are being repurposed as court rooms to help clear the current backlog of legal cases: so-called “Nightingale” courts. Earlier in the year, we saw the whole of London’s ExCel Centre turned into a hospital (though, thankfully, it never had to admit a patient). The longer term economic and social effects of Covid-19 remain to be seen, but this kind of creative use of space is to be welcomed and perhaps gives an indication to the private sector of things to come. The future of the High Street, and its apparently imminent demise, has long been the subject of debate and we may now be witnessing a definitive shift towards e-commerce as the dominant way that customers choose to shop. But, at the same time, we are seeing a greater emphasis on home-working, meaning that smaller local retailers and food outlets are reporting increased footfall while larger companies are reducing their physical footprints. In the news this week it was reported that sportswear firm Nike “has seen a huge rise in online sales as it bounces back from a coronavirus slump” and the chief executive was quoted as saying: “We know that digital is the new normal. The consumer today is digitally grounded and simply will not revert back”. In common with all businesses, commercial landlords and tenants need certainty when it comes to their contractual arrangements, including in relation to their properties. Nevertheless, in response to the significant uncertainty created by the current crisis, the emphasis of advice given to commercial landlords and tenants by both the UK Government and property professionals has, rightly, been on flexibility. To date, this has principally meant flexibility on rent levels, with payment holidays and temporary rent reductions being negotiated. However, given the repurposing seen in the public sector discussed above, it may well be that commercial landlords will also have to embrace even wider flexibility to keep rental incomes flowing, possibly by accepting that their premises will be put to different uses at relatively short notice (particularly in light of the Conservative government’s stated determination to relax UK planning regulations), which could also include accepting greater fluidity through being more open to tenant assignments or subletting. As established retailers retreat from the High Street, should landlords be willing to accept more pop-ups and microbusinesses as tenants? Should landlords accept less certainty when it comes to the length of terms, potentially through greater use of short-term tenancies or licences, in return for higher rates of occupancy? As Marks & Spencer continues to close larger stores, the Co-op has announced that it will be opening 50 smaller convenience shops, having found that 70% of adults have relied on their local convenience store for food and other goods in recent months; so should commercial landlords be looking to divide their larger premises into smaller units? Will smaller, private commercial landlords look to exit the commercial market altogether and convert premises to residential use in readiness for sale? Questions such as these have always been asked by property professionals during recessions and times of economic uncertainty, but they have been brought into even sharper focus due to the way the current crisis is impacting not just the economy, but the whole way we go about our lives. In terms of financial responses to the Covid-19 pandemic creative measures quickly implemented, such as furlough and ‘Eat Out to Help Out’, have proved relatively successful in maintaining economic impetus. These measures, together with the rapid repurposing of vacant public premises, provide valuable guidance to commercial landlords, tenants and their professional advisers as we move forwards: creativity, agility and flexibility will be key to navigating the ‘new normal’. If you or someone you know would like to speak to one of our legal experts regarding a commercial property matter call us today on 0800 999 4437 or email to take advantage of our complimentary, no obligations, initial consultation. We look forward to assisting you with your legal needs.
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  • Linda Cloke from We Do Social

    I attended the second Connectionsb2b Zoom networking evet today and am always impressed with the quality of the businesses and how helpful and professional all of the attendees always are.  

    The presentations are always current and helpful giving me information that helps my business and others.  I would highly recommend these events to companies who want to build strong relationships with potential clients as well as promote their business via the variety of marketing mediums offered.  

  • Sam Rehan from Wellbeing at Work

    Fabulous meetings as always. Education, energy and effective networking! Plus fabulous food. Thank you Ashley Burgess-Payne for the marketing masterclass!

  • Sacha Martin from Sacha Scott Estate & Letting Agents

    Really welcoming team and I noticed they ensured no one was alone and unattended. This makes networking much easier, thank you!

  • Tony Ward from Home Instead

    I have not come across a networking organisation as good as this in the 10 years I have been running my business. 

  • Callum D. from SEBS IT

    Very well thought out, Colemans and Connectionsb2b were very kind and inviting.

  • Nasser C. from Business Pulse

    Eve was a very accomplished and clear speaker. Format works well, don’t change it, clearly works.

  • L. Morris from AV Trinity

    Being my first time I found it a very relaxed and interesting event, I will come again. 

  • Nicholas Prinse from Prinsegate

    Lovely atmosphere, friendly people and good food!

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